That’s what my friend said last night as we sat under on the kitchen stools sharing popcorn over the kitchen counter. As soon as she said it, i understood it.
There is a need for silence when so much runs through you, with you, in you. The voices. I know many times i sit watching the busy bodies walk by, everyone’s life seemingly so scripted. They seem to know where they are going, what they are looking for and of course have the idea of how to get it.
They sit in cafes starring at their monitors and/or mobile phones in anticipation of the next 16 letter text encrypted in the new code. In a second, its decoded and responded to with the swift fashion of tapping fingers on the gadget and off it goes into the already overcrowded skies of satellites waves and phone services.
When i watch though, i see the noises in browns and orange. I taste the smells and see the waves. i struggle to walk into a busy mall with all the color that floats blinding my aura. Its highly uncomfortable. In desperation i gasp for air in need for silence from all the thoughts i hear.
In a sense, death is attractive. The silence, nothingness. The idea of not having to see all that noise, to taste all the smells. The idea to just be.
But then again, what could i possibly know, i’m just a mind with a complicated soul.
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