LOVE IS JUST THAT…an unpredictable piece of emotion that makes us all insane. Its completly crazy that today when i stand under the African sun and i wonder about my world when i have lost her that has been that – my world. I was like the alate, a flying termite ..a practice queen which spends its childhood practising to be that – a queen. I knew exactly what i want, and not sure at all weather i will find it or more importantly if it exists. Regardless of this very vage reality, i buzz around the anthill until the rain has fallen and the sun has comeout. Attracted to the light, i fly to it in search of a mate, my forever to start a colony with. Alates find each other and that becomes their forever. They shed their wings, mate and live happily watching their offspring grow and subsequently ventue out into the world too. If only it were that simple…instead its a far complex case… a case many claim to know and more fear. If only love had a page in wiki-how *Opens new tab and checks – LOL there is a how to love page* – if only it were as simple as that page…instead its a far complex case.
Love is not the issue. When we have it its crazy-amazing-exhilirating-mind blowing-TakeMeLord kinda flying feeling. When love is present its just LOVE-ly. The problem arises when love is gone. When we wake up in the morning and they are not beside us anymore. We stop getting the calls and stop ourselves from calling them all the time. When we look up in the sky and all we see are the wings we’d shed after we flew out to find our mate, slowly floating down. It sounds sad, a cruel reality of love but that is what makes it worth while. After all, we are jewels, we are heated and molded and taught to face the stresses inflicted on us not to kill us, but to make us priceless and ready and fitting for the one who is meant for us.
It may be too hot to handle when you lose someone, but time heals, we cool down and we come out a better person – well most of us anyway 
So why write here? A blog i havent touched in months? maybe years? Well this is the last time i felt ‘me’. 2013 has been a challnging year for this earth dragon and usually when things are tough out in the world, we go home. I needed to get back to what i know which is to express in words the thoughts of my singing feet.
So here i am an Alate stripped of its wings and found its way home.
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